Howard Heyman's Videogame Hall of Fame
Welcome to Howard Heyman's Videogame Hall of Fame.
The purpose of this page is to allow the archival and display of some of my favorite Videogames, not just for the sake of letting my audience earn an understanding of my tastes but also give general recommendations of what I consider to be excellent games that are worth experiencing at least once. It should go without mention that the contents of this page reflect my opinion and no one else's. You are allowed to disagree with some of my picks since they are not meant to represent an arbitrary judgement, but a collection of my most dear works. This list is also updated in a semi-constant matter whenever I find a game suitable for entering the list.
The games archived on this page are selected based on their merits in gameplay, art direction, sound design, storytelling, game direction and an overall sense of cohesion and complement to the elements that comprise it. While I do not consider that all these games have equal merit, I do guarantee that they are all worth experiencing.
Each game will have certain info on display. This includes its title, year of release, the platforms its available on, screenshots, the box art representing the version I played (with some exceptions of course, which I have chosen for purely aesthetic appeal), and a brief description of the aspects I like or find specifically important about the game.
Entries also have a special category which denotes the level of attachment I have towards it as well as how I regard the quality of the experience. These categories are explained in the page below.
Thanks for reading. I hope you are able to find as much joy in these games as I do.